Monday, April 21, 2008
E-Commerce Common Threats

E-commerce Systems are based upon Internet use, which provides open and easy communications on a global basis. However, because the Internet is unregulated, unmanaged and uncontrolled, it poses a wide range of risks and threats to the systems operating on it. The use of the Internet means that your internal IT and e-commerce systems are potentially accessible by anyone, irrespective of their location.

Risks :

Some of the more common threats that hackers pose to e-commerce systems include:

Impact upon the business :

All of these risks can have a significant impact upon a business running an e-commerce service. The potential business implications of a security incident include the following:

Since E-commerce fraud is on a rise and visitors are very skeptical about revealing their financial details online. Your e-commerce store should build a climate of assurance for every new visitor coming to your store. Below are some useful tips :

Security & Privacy

You must also consider the speed and accuracy of various processes that go in managing because should be powerful and at the same time stable. There are many other issues like legal laws, state economic barriers and governmental provisions that also needs to be accepted. Since Ecommerce is not limited to geographical boundaries, you should always be cautious that you do not over-step any legal and economic restrictions.

posted by cLawdz at 12:06 AM


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